Immune Vaporhaler TM
A naturopathic vapor therapy for Cold & Flu, Covid-19 and other purposes.
By: Raymond Choi, R. Ph. Massachusetts, USA
October 29,2020
According to Bloomberg News reported by James Paton on 10/11/2020, scientists are hoping to generate a superior immune response with inhaled vaccines that directly target the airway cells the virus invades. Among their goals is to prevent pathogen from growing in the nose, a point which it can spread to the rest of the body, and to other people. This is an ideal treatment and yet we probably will have to wait for months maybe years before this type of therapy is commercially available!
But there is an immediate natural alternative: Garlic vapor (Allicin) inhalation therapy!
The tool: Immune Vaporhaler TM
Immune Vaporhaler TM is an inhalation chamber invented by Boston health professional in 2020 to facilitate the inhalation of Allicin (active virucidal ingredient in garlic vapor) through the nasopharyngeal (nose & mouth) route so that the whole breathing tract is coated with this natural vapor of Allicin to settle and does its job in suppressing and/or killing the viruses. *
How to use the Immune Vaporhaler TM:
- Assemble the Immune Vaporhaler TM as instructed.
- Crush approx. 4 cloves of medium size fresh garlic(20gms).
- Put crushed garlic into the mid-chamber and close it.
- Inhale garlic vapor (Allicin) thru’ nose (with nose & mouth mask) slowly and hold in lung for 5-10 seconds for Allicin to settle along the tract.
- Exhale thru’ the mouth as slowly as you can so that the residual Allicin can also settle down along the exit tract.
- Repeat Step 4 & 5 for 15-20 minutes. But 45 minutes is better because the Allicin vapor can stay active for about one hour.
- After the inhalation session, empty the crushed garlic into a small pot with a cup of water (8 oz) and boil for 3 minutes. Then add in honey (or chicken bouillon) for taste. Drink after cooling to warm. There are more residual thiosulfinates (Allicin is one of them) remaining in the crushed garlic to provide additional bactericidal and parasiticidal effect in the GI tract. *
Immune Vaporhaler TM can be used during cold and flu seasons and during Covid-19 pandemic to enhance the body’s immunity against the viruses. It can also be used as an adjunct therapy for additional symptomatic relief. *
To purchase of the Immune Vaporhaler TM and more information go to:
*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Scientific notes for reference:
1)Viruses are ancient pathogens existed long before humans. In medical term a virus is defined as “a pathogen composed of nucleic acid within a protein shell but can grow and reproduce only after infecting a host cell”. Simply put, a virus is a non-living particle with genetic materials. It needs the right host cell to replicate itself and become infectious.
2)There are more than 400 known viruses. “Common colds” are caused mostly by rhinoviruses and “Flu” are caused by influenza viruses. The Covid-19 pandemic is caused by SAR-CoV-2 virus. Viruses are capable of mutating into new strains, some becoming more virulent. Both influenza viruses and Covid-19 virus belong to the Coronavirus group because they have characteristic club-shaped spikes that project from their surface, which in electron micrographs create an image reminiscent of the solar corona, from which their name derives.
3)Whereas some people may seek traditional home remedies like zinc, vitamin c, various berries, hot tea and honey, etc. for relief from cold & flu and coronavirus symptoms, yet none have been scientifically proven the ability to “mitigate or kill” the viruses. However, Allicin, a natural volatile compound contained in crushed fresh garlic vapor, has been proven scientifically to be virucidal to the virus tested. (PMID: 1470664)
4)Clinical studies further demonstrated a prophylactic effect of Allicin in the prevention of widespread viral infection in humans through enhancing the immune response as well as alleviation of the viral infection (PMID: 32836826).
5)SAR-CoV-2 (Covid-19) virus primary infects epithelial cells with the lung (PMCID: PMC4369385), and the entry points are mostly through the nose and mouth. Immune Vaporhaler TM allows Allicin to travel through the same route for its virucidal function. (PMID: 1470664)
6) Garlic organosulfur compounds have immunomodulation and anti-inflammatory effects. (PMID:24237225)
7)In a clinical trial, garlic supplement (180mg Allicin) vs placebo was assigned to 146 participants, with result showing the common cold infection in the garlic intervention group vs the placebo group was 24:65, proving the effectiveness of Allicin in protection against common cold and flu viruses. (PMID: 25386977)
8)Allicin, a volatile antimicrobial from crushed garlic, kills human lung bacteria, as a vapor. (PMID: 29023413)
9) Allicin is a defense molecule from crushed garlic that can inhibit the proliferation of both bacteria and fungi. Allicin has health promoting properties: cholesterol lowering and blood pressure lowering effects. (PMID: 25153873)
10) The Immune Vaporhaler TM can also be used for other natural aroma-therapy. For examples:
a) Put in menthol/eucalyptus oil strip (available soon) to clear sinuses or stuffy nose.
b) Put in natural floral extract strip (available soon) for relaxation and better sleep.
Note: PMID is the PubMed Unique Identifier. This is a 1 to 8 digit number assigned to all records in PubMed. The United States National Library of Medicine at the National Institutes of Health maintain the database.