Reduced L-谷胱甘肽(GSH)被称为“最强大的抗氧化剂”(1,2),因为它能够中和大部分来自环境的活性氧化物(ROS)或自由基(3)(辐射)还是我们自己的细胞代谢。 (1)我们专有的配方包括N-Acetylcysteine,它们可以与外源性毒素如重金属,杀虫剂等结合(捕获或粘附),然后通过胆汁或大便排出体外。 (B2,B6,B7,B9和B12)以及钼和硒等必需矿物质的选择,将进一步确保对DNA和细胞的有利保护作用,从而促进谷胱甘肽的持续功能。*(5,6,7,8,9)
*肺部排毒:对于长期吸烟或 在工厂工业作业的人,他们会长期受到化学毒素, 烟雾,灰尘,烟尘和颗粒物质等的肺污染(PM2.5颗粒是直径为2.5微米或更小的空气污染物,甚至足以侵入甚最小的气管)桑福德大学的研究证明,长期受空气污染的人智商反应会更慢,更笨!(10)
*L-谷胱甘肽和N-Acetylcysteine 可以:
A) 帮助分解气管与肺中粘稠的浓痰,以便您可以更容易地将其吐出(3,4)令呼吸更顺畅。
B) 结合排除肺部污染物,并排散出我们的身体(1)
A)肺部排毒: 每天早晚两次,每次一粒 用大量的水(8盎司)送服。
B)酒精和肝脏排毒: 宴会前一小时,先服2粒 ,用大量的水(8盎司)送服。 每4小时再服一粒。 在24小时内不要超过4粒DRcaps。平时每天早晚两次,每次一粒。
Other Ingredients: Designed Release Vegetable Capsules, Magnesium Stearate, and Silica.
*这些声明未经美国食品和药物管理局评估。 本产品不用于诊断,治疗,预防或预防任何疾病。
- Huffpost Nov 17,2011 Article by Dr.Mark Hyman- Glutathione: The Mother of All Antioxidants:” Glutathione is the “mother of all antioxidants, the master detoxifier and maestro of the immune system… Glutathione deficiency is found in nearly all very ill patients.Glutathione is also the most critical and integral part of your detoxification system. All the toxins stick onto glutathione, which then carries them into the bile and the stool — and out of your body
- PMID2471752
Department of Public Health Sciences, Penn State Cancer Institute, H069, Penn State University College of Medicine, 500 University Drive, Hershey, PA, 17033, USA.Randomized controlled trial of oral glutathione supplementation on body stores of glutathione:”CONCLUSIONS:These findings show, for the first time, that daily consumption of GSH(Glutathione) supplements was effective at increasing body compartment stores of GSH.” - PMID 1820580 Glutathione metabolism and its role in hepatotoxicity: “Glutathione (GSH) fulfills several essential functions: Detoxification of free radicals and toxic oxygen radicals, thiol-disulfide exchange and storage and transfer of cysteine. GSH is present in all mammalian cells, but may be especially important for organs with intense exposure to exogenous toxins such as the liver, kidney, lung and intestine.”
- According to NIH National Heart,Lung,and Blood Institute June 2,2014 article:
“Drinking plenty of fluid, especially water, helps prevent airway mucus from becoming thick and sticky. Good hydration helps keep airway mucus moist and slippery, which makes it easier to cough up….Mucus thinners, such as acetylcysteine, loosen the mucus to make it easier to cough up.”
According to NIH Office of Dietary Supplement:
5. Riboflavin (also called vitamin B2) is important for the growth, development, and function of the cells in your body. It also helps turn the food you eat into the energy you need.
6. Vitamin B6 is a vitamin that is naturally present in many foods. The body needs vitamin B6 for more than 100 enzyme reactions involved in metabolism. Vitamin B6 is also involved in brain development during pregnancy and infancy as well as immune function.Our bodies need folate to make DNA and other genetic material. Folate is also needed for the body’s cells to divide.
7. Biotin, a B vitamin, is an essential nutrient that is naturally present in some foods and available as a dietary supplement. This water-soluble vitamin is a cofactor for five carboxylases (propionyl-CoA carboxylase, pyruvate carboxylase, methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase [MCC], acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1, and acetyl-CoA carboxylase 2) that catalyze critical steps in the metabolism of fatty acids, glucose, and amino acids .Biotin also plays key roles in histone modifications, gene regulation (by modifying the activity of transcription factors), and cell signaling .
8. Vitamin B12 is a nutrient that helps keep the body’s nerve and blood cells healthy and helps make DNA, the genetic material in all cells.
9. According to The National Academy of Sciences ,Engineering, and Medicine: “Molybdenum is a cofactor for enzymes involved in catabolism of sulfur amino acids, purines and pyridines.”
10. Neurotoxicology. 2014 Jan;40:1-7. doi: 10.1016/j.neuro.2013.09.004. Epub 2013 Oct 19.PMID 24148924 According to a 2014 study done by several universities, including Stanford University , astonishing results were observed that adults subjected to air pollution compare to the control groups were associated with “ lower verbal learning”, “lower logical memory” and “ lower executive function”